Africa is a hot place, with temperatures in summer often reaching in excess of 100 ºF in the shade.  Cooling off and keeping hydrated is therefore essential for the animals survival. Sometimes that means taking a drink in conditions that are not always ideal – as was the case with this elephant bull in the South Luangwa National Park, one of the great animal sanctuaries of Zambia.

Photographed by Mfuwe Lodge manager Ian Salisbury, the bull got quite a surprise when he went for a drink at his local water hole. He was just a few short sips in to his refreshing drink when an opportunistic Nile crocodile rather cheekily took hold of his trunk. The elephant bull was shaken, but luckily in command enough of his senses to give his trunk a good trumpet, which dislodged the hungry reptile. Although all is well that ends well, you can be sure that this elephant bull will double check when next he decides to quench his thirst…

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