Project Luangwa – Mfuwe, Zambia
I am often humbled by the newsletters that pop into my inbox as the weeks fly by. There are many many people doing amazing good out there. Through these newsletters we are reminded of how easy it is to actually contribute to someone else’s life who’s so less fortunate. We often forget how little others actually have. And how little it is we need to contribute to make a massive difference to someone else.

I was very touched by the story I read on Friday about John. His little life’s tale was circulated in the Project Luangwa Newsletter, along with a few other amazing things they get up too. But John’s story touched my heart. Kids seem to have a way of doing that. They are so innocent, so forced into their situations and surroundings without any choice. John was born with legs that finish just above the knee and only one hand. To make it just a bit harder for him, even his “good” hand has the two middle fingers fused together.
John still has the innocence and ability that children seem to have of seeing past his disabilities. He still tries hard to participate and play with the other kids. But he obviously struggles to keep up with them. He has siblings, who help him as much as possible, but he is also a growing child and there is only so much they are able to carry him around.
An appeal was made in the Project Luangwa newsletter to try and get funds together to get John a sturdy wheelchair that would last in the harsh African environment. The target amount needed was £460 and so far the appeal has managed to raise £630 for John’s new wheelchair. If you have anything spare and would like to contribute even a small amount, please donate here and help this shy 5 year old boy.
The power of donation is huge. And the smallest amounts, when all added together make the biggest difference. Thanks to everyone who is making a difference!