As some of you may know, the Kruger Park was quite badly hit by flash floods a week or so ago. This affected several camps in the area, including one of our favourites, Mala Mala. The following is a press release regarding when they expect to reopen…
“Regretfully, after viewing the Mala Mala Game Reserve by helicopter on Friday 20th January 2012, we have decided to extend the re-opening date of the reserve to 06 February 2012.
The camps have not been affected in any way, however there has been significant damage to roads and bridges. Access roads into Mala Mala remain closed to all but 4×4 vehicles and tractors, and until these are repaired, access to guests and supplies is not possible. The maintenance staff and rangers are working very hard to repair the damage and to open up the bridge in front of Mala Mala Main Camp. Unfortunately the West Street Bridge was washed away and it will be sometime until this is repaired.
We do not believe that we are currently able to offer our valued guests a quality game viewing experience until much of the damage has been repaired. We are also cautious of inflicting further damage on the environment by driving on wet and muddy roads.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any additional information or have any queries.”