At the beginning of December, we launched the second of our successful ‘1 like 1 Dollar‘ campaigns whereby we donate $1 to a charitable organisation for every new ‘like’ received on our facebook fan page during the campaign.
For the second campaign, we chose to partner with The Wilderness Foundation – an organisation dedicated to being a positive force for social and environmental stability in Africa. As rhino poaching in Southern Africa continues to climb unabated, the Wilderness Foundation decided to take action and established their ‘Forever Wild’ Rhino Initiative in May 2011.

As an international organisation, the Wilderness Foundation is using its leverage to access some of the highest governmental authorities in order to raise global awareness. In January 2012, Wilderness Foundation Director, Andrew Muir, will be delivering a petition to US Congress to bring the situation to the attention of international governments.
At the start of the campaign, the African Safari Consultants facebook page had 235 likes. At the time of writing, that figure had risen to 679 likes. That’s a difference of 444 likes, equating to a donation of $444.00 to Forever Wild. If we reach our goal of 1000 likes by the end of December, we’ll double the donation amount. We would really like that, and we know that Forever Wild would too.

This is the final push before December ends! Let’s end 2011 on a high and donate as much money as possible. Please share our page with all your friends and family.